
The Problem with those “Instafamous” Women

Bree Blatchford

DISCLAIMER: I use a lot of instaphrases in this post so I hope it doesn’t instaoffend any instafriend. #instaphrases #sofun

Let’s all admit it right now, we have all looked at the Explore page of our Instagram and seen some absolutely flawless women that we sometimes end up desiring. My common thoughts are usually, “That girl’s butt is fab, wish I looked like that casually sitting on the beach” or “holy crap, PERFECT eyebrows, why don’t mine have that arch when I first wake up in the morning”. These are just a few of my favorite obsessive thoughts that burrow like cockroaches in my brain. The grass always seems greener for those women who have perfect ombre topknots and seemingly sweat-less workout routines. Like seriously, if I took a selfie every time I worked out (which is a very rare occasion,) I PROMISE you that I wouldn’t look as casual or beautiful as some of these “Instafamous” women. I’m the one with beet red cheeks, sweat beading down my back creating lovely stains on my baggy college t-shirts, and hyperventilating to the point where people are stopping to stare. I’m the girl who tucks her stomach rolls into her yoga pants when she sits down to stretch and falls off the stair stepper backwards because she can’t keep up (that’s really happened people). Certainly instaworhty but for a completely different reason. I definitely don’t look that hip in my rompers and my hair definitely doesn’t stay that voluminous all day long.

But that’s the problem with those “Instafamous” women and, quite frankly, with social media in general. Those tiny little boxed images that garner thousands or millions of “likes” only capture a moment in these individuals’ lives and, a lot of the time, aren’t a true representation of how they really woke up, or what they really look like sitting on the beach. Trust me, I’ve definitely attempted myself to recreate these inviting images and it takes a LOT of work. One beach picture takes hours of hair, makeup, sucking in the tummy (YES I’ll say it!!), and perfect posing. I promise you that one of Kylie Jenner’s seemingly casual selfie in front of the mirror is the result of thousands of the same picture taken with small face changes or filter changes until the perfect compilation “instababy” is born.

These moments only catch one color in the entire rainbow range of emotions. I would loveeeeee to see a bloated, period selfie of these “Instafamous” women. This never happens however because social media allows people to filter their lives and choose what image is represented to the public. It is in our nature to only want our best selves to be out there for others to scrutinize and instastalk. Yes, we all do it. Yes, we all end up rock bottom 240 weeks into Alexis Ren’s butt pictures feeling down about ourselves. If you don’t know who that is, don’t look it up, she will ruin any shred of self-confidence or free time you have left.  This causes any sane person to start feeling Depressed, regardless of whether you are clinically diagnosed or not. How can anyone who looks like that feel vulnerable after being cheated on and going through a breakup? Or better question, do “Instafamous” women even have those???? The truth is yes. Regardless of the images imbedded in the online web of your iPhone, everyone has down days, everyone has Depressed days, everyone doubts themselves at some point. These may not be made public in some way, but they are definitely there.

The happiest you will ever be is when you allow yourself to post a picture of you feeling confident regardless of how many “likes” you think you’ll garner from it. When you put yourself out there to social media and the public as a real, rainbow-emotioned human being who is empathetic and strong and sad all at the same time. F**k it! Who cares if you follow more people than follow you on Instagram, that is no reflection of your true worth as an individual. Social media, and Instagram specifically, places you inside a toxic bubble that makes you believe that every petty little aspect is vital to a happy life, when it really has nothing to do with it. I invite those “Instafamous” women, and you as well, to post unfiltered, raw moments of utter elation, sorrow, Depression, and every other emotion to your social media. Once that expectation of acting perfect or problem-less is lifted off your shoulders, you will feel more like yourself. Like the ‘you’ before social media took hold of your life. Don’t act like your Depression or Anxiety doesn’t exist because then the problems inside will never be solved. Be open, honest, raw, and trust that being truthful to others and to yourself will do the most good in your life than any bikini picture.

Everyone is perfect in the most imperfect way and that’s what makes us so fantastically unique. Own that every day and celebrate every facet of your gorgeous life.


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